NFPA 70E provides several methods for selecting appropriate arc flash PPE. *

Choose PPE Based On:

Known Arc Rating (cal/cm2)Known PPE Category (1-4)Equipment Type Table (AC/DC)Incident Energy (Cal/cm2)

*Note that this tool only covers PPE for arc flash hazards. Arc flash PPE mainly offers shock and thermal protection and may not account for other hazards (e.g. fall hazards or blast pressure hazards).

More Details

Arc ratings are usually recorded on the equipment label. The PPE category may also be recorded on the equipment label. If it is not, it may be determined using the PPEĀ Categories Method (Tables Method).

When the PPE Categories Method (Tables Method) do not apply, or when the label is outdated, the Incident Energy Analysis Method may be used.

The user is also encouraged to consult the NFPA 70E TABLE 130.5(C) "Estimate of the Likelihood of Occurrence of an Arc Flash Incident for AC and DC Systems."