NFPA 70E Table 130.5(C) is applicable to both the PPE Categories Method (Tables Method) and the Incident Energy Analysis Method of arc flash risk assessment. The first column lists types of tasks. The second column describes the condition of the equipment, which effects the likelihood of an arc flash incident. The third column says if there is a likelihood of an arc flash incident (“Yes/No”).
Both AC and DC tasks are listed in the table. See the note at the end of table that describes what is considered a "Normal" equipment condition. If any of the criteria are not met, the equipment condition would be considered "Abnormal."
This table does not determine if arc flash PPE is necessary. Rather, it's purpose it to aid in determining the likelihood of an arc flash incident occurring. If a likelihood exists, other hazard control options must be used first. PPE should only be used after all other means of employee protection have been exhausted. PPE is considered the least effective control for employee protection and should not be the first or only hazard control used.
Equipment condition is considered to be “normal” if all of the following circumstances apply:
*As defined in this standard, the two components of risk are the likelihood of occurrence of injury or damage to health and the severity of injury or damage to health that results from a hazard. Risk assessment is an overall process that involves estimating both the likelihood of occurrence and severity to determine if additional protective measures are required. The estimate of the likelihood of occurrence contained in this table does not cover every possible condition or situation, nor does it address severity of injury or damage to health. Where this table identifies “No” as an estimate of likelihood of occurrence, it means that an arc flash incident is not likely to occur. Where this table identifies “Yes” as an estimate of likelihood of occurrence, it means that additional protective measures are required to be selected and implemented according to the hierarchy of risk control identified in NFPA 70E 110.1(H).