Based on your answers, Category 2* arc flash PPE is required for work.
You selected:
Storage batteries, dc switchboards, and other dc supply sources with available fault current less than 4 kA.
Equipment Parameters:
Greater than or equal to 100 V and less than or equal to 250 V; Maximum arc duration and minimum working distance: 2 sec @ 18 in.
Arc Flash Boundary:
3 feet
Category 2*
8 cal/cm2 (33.5 J/cm2) (See Note A)
Required Arc-Rated Clothing:
Required Protective Equipment:
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Apparel that can be expected to be exposed to electrolyte must be evaluated for electrolyte protection. ASTM F1296, Standard Guide for Evaluating Chemical Protective Clothing, contains information on evaluating apparel for protection from electrolyte.
*From NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C)(15)(b): The methods for estimating the dc arc-flash incident energy that were used to determine the categories are based on open-air incident energy calculations. Open-air calculations were used because many battery systems and other dc process systems are in open areas or rooms. If the specific task is within an enclosure, it would be prudent to consider additional PPE protection beyond the value shown here. Research with ac arc flash has shown a multiplier of as much as 3x for arc-in-a-box [508 mm (20 in.) cube] versus open air. Engineering judgement is necessary when reviewing the specific conditions of the equipment and task to be performed, including the dimensions of the enclosure and the working distance involved.
AN: As needed (optional). AR: As required. SR: Selection required.
Note A: Arc rating is defined in Article 100 of NFPA 70E: Handbook for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (2018 edition).
Note B: Face shields are to have wrap-around guarding to protect not only the face but also the forehead, ears, and neck, or, alternatively, an arc-rated arc flash suit hood is required to be worn.
Note C: Other types of hearing protection are permitted to be used in lieu of or in addition to ear canal inserts provided they are worn under an arc-rated arc flash suit hood.
Note D: If rubber insulating gloves with leather protectors are used, additional leather or arc-rated gloves are not required. The combination of rubber insulating gloves with leather protectors satisfies the arc flash protection requirement.