
DC 250-600V


Note: A two-second arc duration is assumed if there is no overcurrent protective device (OCPD) or if the fault clearing time is not known. If the fault clearing time is known and is less than 2 seconds, an incident energy analysis could provide a more representative result.

Informational Note: When determining available fault current, the effects of cables and any other impedances in the circuit should be included. Power system modeling is the best method to determine the available short-circuit current at the point of the arc. Battery cell short-circuit current can be obtained from the battery manufacturer. See Informative Annex D.5 from NFPA 70E for the basis for table values and alternative methods to determine dc incident energy. Methods should be used with good engineering judgement.

Notes are from 2018 edition of NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C)(15)(b): Arc-flash PPE Categories for Alternating Current (dc) Systems.