
What Happens In An Arc Flash?


In an arc flash, electric current travels through the air from one conductor to another (or to ground).

  • Molten copper can blast outward and expand by a factor of 67,000 in a few milliseconds.
  • The heat from the explosion can be up to 35,000oF, which is 3.5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.
  • The blast pressure that launches molten shrapnel through the air and can be over 2,000 lbs/ft2.
  • The noise can reach 140dB (as loud as a gun).

The combination of intense noise, heat, and flying metal is very destructive and potentially fatal to workers. Most arc flash injuries are serious. It’s common for an injured employee to never regain their past quality of life. Often, extended, costly medical care is required.